Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sunny with a Chance of Gorgeous!

We have been getting steady rain for the last few days and everything is loving the break from the hideous heat.

In a previous post, I had talked about putting Jobe's Organic Rose Food spikes around my roses.
I came outside one morning last week to discover that every single one of the food spikes had been dug up.
I am contacting the company through email today to see if they have had any other customers who have had this happen and to see if they would know of any ingredients in the food spikes that could tempt a critter into snatching them up, so I will let you know what the response is.

I have new pictures to share as well as new video of the bunny who inhabits the neighboring yards.

I was out yesterday morning and took pictures of the flowers around the garden and the bushes in the fence line that have been blooming like crazy.

These are two of the fence line bushes that bloom a light pink, blue, violet or white with a reddish middle.

The Oddball rose in all its glory, now that the pests are no longer invading on all sides.

I find this white flower to be especially pretty!

We also have a fire pit that was purchased earlier in the summer, but because it has been so hot in the evenings as well as the daytime, we haven't been able to put it to use.
We finally got the chance to use it over the weekend.
Nothing like a roaring fire in cool temperatures to make you feel cozy!
And fire pits are good for keeping mosquitoes and other airborne critters away.

One of Mom's Leprechauns peeking out to say "Hello!"

The beautiful bud on the pink rosebush.

Morning dew on the rosebuds.

I am happy to report that the other Oddball rosebush is starting to mount a comeback!
I honestly thought it was done for after I transplanted and the heat kicked us in the teeth, but it was just taking things slow I guess.

And here is the video of the bunny munching out amongst the clover.
(You may want to enlarge the picture.)

The sun is out and its warmed up some, but its a beautiful day and I  think I'm going to go play with my little friends!

Have a great day!

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