Monday, August 20, 2012

The Little Things

I got a response from the makers of Jobe's Organics, Easy Gardener Products, today.
They said that the bone meal and feather meal contained in the product attracts the critters and the only way to keep them out would be to put up a barrier, which is not very feasible at this time so I am going to have to use a repellent spray to try and discourage them from foraging in my flower beds.

So the smell of the organic fertilizers will attract the critters to the area, I honestly did not know that, but I am learning!
I will continue using the soluble fertilizers from now on to minimize critter troubles. No big deal.

I have been using a repellent spray to keep the skunk from trying to hole up under the big shed on the north end of the yard and it seems to be working as we do not smell the skunk on that side of the house, but we did smell one on the front side towards the street early this morning.

So far we have seen your typical fanfare of birds, rabbits, skunks, raccoons and we also saw chipmunks a month or so ago!  I have not seen a chipmunk in years and they are still just as cute as the last time I saw them, I just wish I could get a picture!

I have some of my drawing to share with you today as well.
These are various little doodles I have done in my spare time as a way to fend off boredom or just relaxing.

This is my version of Marius and Pandora from the Vampire Chronicles.

Can you tell I am a big fan of roses!

Some calla lilies with a top banner.

Seaside. I love the beach, there is just so much beauty!

I am guessing that this drawing was a result of wanting to be outside, but being prevented from it because of the foot of snow on the ground!

This one I still need to add a background to, but I am getting better with faces.

I am not sure how well the detail for this one shows up, but it is just a cute little card I made for my Honey around Halloween about a two years ago.

These fellows I like to call Weirdos.  I made this over the winter using a computer program called Photoscape.

I have also found some new programs for making patterns that can be used as backgrounds on websites, blogs, etc., so I am very excited to get started with them as soon as possible.

I have also joined a little creative community called COLOURlovers over the weekend.
You can log in and use patterns, palettes, shapes, its a lot of fun for me!

Dad and I were out around front a little while ago, checking out the big. dark clouds and we heard thunder.
Now we are getting a steady sprinkle of rain, with some short bursts of thunder.
Looks like the water bill gets another break!

I am so excited to have new tools and goodies to work with and I cannot wait to show you what I create with them.
And if you have any suggestions to me, I would greatly appreciate it as I love learning new things and talking to people.

That is all for this post, I think I will sit back and enjoy the sounds of the rain.
Have a great day everyone!

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