Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Bloomin' Growth

I have been outside in the garden for the majority of the morning today, transplanting the one rose bush that was placed to closely farther to the right hand end of the flower garden.
It looks weepy now, which I expect, but I am hoping that it rebounds in about a week.
I also used Jobe's Organic rose food spikes today, so we will see how well they do.

The big, pink rosebush is crawling with new growth after the trimming I gave it last week.
I have also been doing more reading up on roses and their care. I can never  have enough information as far as my hobbies go!
I have found books that I can either go pick up at the store or order online.
One of which is a big, hard cover edition titled, The Ultimate Rose Book by Tommy Cairns.
This book has been out for a bit, but its funny how sometimes, you never know about these things until you get a hobby or develop an interest.
The book also covers 1,500 varieties of roses, so I am leaning heavily towards it at the moment.

The red rose is doing so well right now that there is barely anything for me to do and the color is just so rich right now! 
I have slowed up on the water for now while the temperature is not so unforgiving.
I had checked the soil and it was still thoroughly saturated from the previous watering, so I will wait before doing it again and try to avoid stem or root rot.

As for the soil around here, it is in need of more amending for better drainage.
The soil is mostly comprised of top soil, which is like concrete when dry and like chunky soup when wet.
 I have been using Perlite to help with drainage for the plants in the ground as well as the few I do have in a large pot.
You can find perlite at your local gardening center or greenhouse.

The dwarf butterfly bush in all its lavender hued glory!

I love the tiny flowers that bloom on this bush and both bushes have a heavenly fragrance, I couldn't be more pleased with them.

The white bloom of the tri-colored butterfly bush.

The smaller, white roses are popping out all over the right side of the flower garden!

I couldn't help but notice Mom's cute little bush back behind the big shed was exploding with pink.
Since the leaning pine tree was taken down, that area gets better sun throughout the day and the plants have been happier for it outside of the blistering heat last week that I don't believe anything liked.

Now I just have to dote on the transplant a little bit and that is about all there is for me as far as the flowers go.

We are getting cucumbers in the veggie garden and there are cantaloupes, watermelon, and pumpkins in those patches if memory serves me right.

That is all I have for this post, or at least until I get my crafting going or the plants explode with color!

Have a "bloomin" good day everyone!

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