Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I didn't have time to get out my craft project today.
But I was out later after the sun went down.  My honey was watering the garden and afterwards we went searching for veggies that were ready and this is what we found so far.

The bell peppers are doing nicely.

We also have Jalapeno and Chile peppers growing and the cucumbers keep turning up bigger!

We also have two Cherry Tomato plants in pots that have been putting out daily, as well as five bigger tomato plants, both in pots and out in the garden.
The ones in the garden are very big and the fruits should start to ripen soon.

I also took some pictures of the lights around the flowers as well as a picture of one of the fairies that I have sitting amongst them.

I thought these mushroom lights would add a little whimsy to the garden, seeing as we have so many gnomes and fairies scattered about!

             The rose bush has begun to bloom again after its last pruning and the spraying seems to have kept most of the bugs away for now.

This girl sparkles like crazy in the sunlight!

The wind damage from the last storm was worse than I thought and I am so glad that no one was out on the sidewalk in front of the house.
We have a tree out there in front that must have gotten its lowest limb split in the storm the other night, but it was the wind today that brought it down, right on the sidewalk!

The temperatures for the next ten days are supposed to be nice and we have something of a chance of rain tonight, which is good because it saves us a little on the water bill!

 Earlier I was reading in Southern Living magazine about putting down moss in place of grass for a yard and I have to say that I like the look of the moss.
There was definitely a more natural look to it than just your every day, cookie cutter yard in the suburbs.
Dare I say, it looked enchanting!

I have some house plans tucked away that I was tinkering with and reading that article just gave me some inspiration for the landscaping that had been vexing me for awhile.

But the garden is doing extremely well considering the high temperatures and lack of rain we've had lately and it definitely keeps me busy.

We also have a family of skunks instead of just the young couple.
We noticed the baby and mother go scurrying away from my roses and back behind the big shed last week.
I have been constantly going behind the small shed to make sure that the hole that a critter dug to get under has remained covered.
I had to bury two medium sized river stones in the hole to make sure that the critter couldn't get under, though it keeps trying.

That is all for today, but the end of the week and the weekend should provide for more post worthy happenings.

Have a good night all!

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