Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rained Out

There wasn't alot to do today due to the rain.
We lost cable, phone and internet for the majority of the day, so that is why I am just now getting around to a new post.

I did get some pruning done to the biggest rose bush before the rain started and I am really looking forward to this weekend and getting something to take care of the Japanese beetles.
Those little monsters think my plant is a hotel!

Mom and I were out earlier in the week for a trip to the local fabric shops.
I found some of the softest material and the first thing I thought of to make out of it was pajamas!  You can just never go wrong with comfy pajamas.

First, we checked out JoAnn's and wound up at Hancock Fabrics by the end, but I have forgotten the second placed we stopped at.

As I have mentioned before, I do want to take on a sewing project, and I think I just found a few after that little excursion!

Hopefully, I will have more to write about this weekend as both of the butterfly bushes are taking off finally.

Have a good night!

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